Painting the 8mm Victoria Mansions model

Painting the 8mm Victoria Mansions model is quick and easy.

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First, assemble the model but don’t attach the detailed cladding to the basic shape

Next, give the cladding, the top of the model, and the parts labeled C, D and F a coating with spray paint. We used cheap “Grey Primer” from the hardware store.

Now, paint all the areas that will be glass a dark colour. We used Semi Gloss Black from Tamiya and we used our biggest brush to do it. No need to be too neat – just cover the panels

Now attach the cladding to the model

After this, pick out all the architectural details in a different colour (we used Tamiya Flat Green)

The next step is to give the entire building a wash with a light brown. We used GW Agarax EarthShade and a big brush

After this, the last step was a drybrush with a light off-white. We used Tamiya Deck Tan